
Hello there. My name's Gabe and this blog is devoted to the Departmental Honors project I'm undertaking at Rhode Island College. I'm going to be delving into the world of children's literature in this blog. I'll be posting links, research, thoughts, problems, ideas, ramblings, etc. regarding my progress. So welcome, and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


On Tuesday I found out my Honors Proposal passed the committee and I've been approved to enroll in English 490 next fall. After all that wheedling, pleading, and jumping through hoops, it finally worked. Step one down. On to step two: beginning a summer of preliminary research, writing, sketching, and development.

Speaking of research, I've still been working on that, although admittedly I find finals are sapping much of my time. For now I've been reading Museum of the Missing, a fascinating book on the history of art theft. It has a lot of fascinating information that's been sparking a lot of ideas about what I want to do with my story.



  1. Congrats! I'm so glad to hear that your proposal was approved. Now like you said it's on to all the real work. Keep us all updated on your ideas!
